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Author: David1960 Subject: AFA guys do you honestly beleive ....

Posts: 4
Registered: 12-21-2009

posted on 12-22-2009 at 13:53 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
AFA guys do you honestly beleive ....

Sorry - I have a hard time beleiving that an average joe (average income/looks) can land something like this

And if you are able to land something like this and bring her back to the states, how long do you think she would stay with you when you have young, fit, party guys and millionairs going after her attention? Honestly?

I think there is such thing is "out-of-your-league" no matter were you go.
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Registered: 03-01-2010

posted on 03-01-2010 at 18:46 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Average Joe

This is Tanya and My response to people who say the women are not real and the average Joe cannot meet incredible women in Russia and Ukraine. I met my wife Tanya during the tour to Ukraine with A Foreign Affair several years ago. We have been happily married ever since. Her profiles is 93597 on

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Registered: 07-03-2011
Location: Hampton Roads, VA

posted on 07-03-2011 at 15:18 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

Here are some good sites:

1. TLC Worldwide

2. I Love Latins
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Registered: 10-04-2011

posted on 10-04-2011 at 21:22 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

with her boyfriend about 5 years but they did not have sex and she is still virgin.
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Registered: 01-12-2012

posted on 09-10-2012 at 18:08 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator
Encounter Your Dreams

Yes average “Joe’s” can land a beautiful Latin women and have a loving and happy marriage.

If you really want to know if an average “Joe” can find, marry, and live happily together then you need to read my book "Encounter Your Destiny". I am defiantly and average guy in every since of the word average. I have average looks at best; middle class income, and a 1500sf 3-bedroom home in a typical middle class neighborhood in Houston. My wife Cristina is a remarkable woman. She is a true extrovert and loves socializing and is sweet, loving, and loves life. In Colombia she was the number one sells person for several years for a national insurance company. She had a new car and a three-bedroom townhome in a beautiful upscale neighborhood all paid for. She had a great life in Colombia excellent career, lots of friends and family. But none of that was as important to her as having a man to love and to be loved. She dreamed of a loving family and growing old with the man she loved. She was not interest in Colombia men most are unfaithful and she was not going to except that. So she joined AFA and went to several social in a two-year period and went on a couple of dates from the socials but none of the men she felt a connection with, until the night we met. We fell in love and where married 6 months after we met. She gave up everything to be with me. She is about 80% fluent in English at this time and she is working as a cashier because she wants to contribute to our family. What a fantastic woman! Her goal in the future is to get back into sales once she is fluent in English and I have no doubt she will be successful in whatever she does.

The reason I wrote the book was to help others find there life partner, but you cannot find the love of your life behind a keyboard you need to take the next step and get out there and meet the women.

View User's Profile E-Mail User User's Site View All Replies By David1960 (only searches replies by default, for topics please run another search) U2U Member
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